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Caper Clue 6 – Main Street


PLACE: Mainstreet

So I spent the morning working at the church, but I had to leave for an early lunch. I was meeting a friend at 11:00 at Main Street to get some coffee. I know that we were just meeting for coffee, but I like Main Street’s food, too, so I just planned to have lunch there. I was sooooooooo hungry. I really wanted to just have a giant salad or maybe a bunch of cookies! I saw some cookies on the counter before I left.
Anyway, I was sooooooo hungry, but when I got to Main Street to meet my friend, she was late! I had to wait and wait for her to come! Ughh! It was horrible! I was sooooooo hungry! I wished I had taken some of those cookies! But they looked so messy . . .

Hmmmm. Interesting. Mikayla Moore was meeting a friend at 11:00, but her friend was late. Could that friend be Mikayla Bley? This picture of Mikayla shows her meeting her friend. Mikayla Moore’s hands are clean, but her friend’s hands are green! Who could her friend be?